Forgotten grape varieties from the Champagne area

World-renowned for its sparkling wines, the Champagne area is synonymous with celebration and prestige. However, behind the famous Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier, and Chardonnay lie almost forgotten viticultural treasures: grape varieties that tell a different story about this illustrious region. Let’s dive into the past to discover these forgotten grape varieties from the Champagne area which are witnesses to the richness and historical diversity of its terroir.

The story behind forgotten grape varieties

The forgotten grape varieties from the Champagne area date back to a time when regional viticulture was not yet dominated by the varieties we know today. Historically, Champagne cultivated a greater diversity of grapes varieties. However, with changing tastes and the demands of the world market, as well as certain vine diseases such as phylloxera, many native grape varieties were gradually cast aside.

These varieties, such as Arbane, Petit Meslier, and Pinot Blanc, were abandoned in favor of varieties offering higher yields and greater consistency in sparkling wine production.

Iconic forgotten grape varieties

Among Champagne’s viticultural treasures, some rare but iconic grape varieties deserve special attention. These lesser-known varieties offer unique insights into the potential and history of Champagne viticulture.

Forgotten grape varieties from the Champagne area


Arbane is an ancestral grape variety from the Champagne area. It is particularly famous for its ability to produce wines of great finesse and aromatic complexity. Although difficult to cultivate due to its naturally low yield and vulnerability to adverse climatic conditions, Arbane has survived thanks to the dedication of small-scale winegrowers passionate about preserving our heritage.

Wines produced from this grape variety often offer floral notes and remarkable freshness, making it a sought-after curiosity for connoisseurs and lovers of unique wines.

Petit Meslier

Appreciated for its ability to bring refreshing acidity and subtle aromas to wines, Petit Meslier is an ancient grape variety from the Champagne area. This low-yielding variety has long been neglected due to its sensitivity to adverse climatic conditions. However, it is experiencing a renaissance thanks to winemakers who value its unique qualities.

Wines made from Petit Meslier often feature distinguishable notes of green fruit, citrus, and a floral character, providing a complexity that perfectly complements traditional Champagne blends.

Pinot blanc

Pinot Blanc is more widespread than Arbane or Petit Meslier. However, it once held a more significant place in Champagne vineyards, used to produce wines that are both structured and elegant.

As a result, some producers use it to diversify their cuvées. Though limited, its presence in the Champagne area produces full-bodied wines quite rich on the palate. These properties blend perfectly with the area’s fine bubbles and characteristic freshness.

Come discover the forgotten grape varieties from the Champagne area with Sparkling Tour

The forgotten grape varieties from the Champagne area are not just relics of the past; they are ambassadors of a richness and diversity that could play a key role in the future of Champagne winegrowing.

Would you like to find out more about these hidden treasures? Sparkling Tour offers you the opportunity to book a champagne tasting weekend to discover and taste these forgotten grape varieties. Don’t hesitate to contact us to come explore the flavors and stories of these ancient grape varieties.